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800 529-6278

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800 529-6278

New York Litigation Covers, Traditional Style

Horizontal Antique Manuscript

Our NY litigation covers have electronic service , overnight-courier affidavits, attorney certification, affirmation. Ind. & Corp verification, affidavit of services of papers (extra space for multiple recipients); and on the cover, notice of entry, notice of settlement, admission of service and certification (22 NYCRR 130.1.1-a).

Order this product with a custom imprint

1500C2B NY Litigation Covers, box of 100, 9" x 12 1/2", blue



1500C2C NY litigation covers, box of 100, 9" x 12 1/2", canary



1500C2W NY litigation covers, box of 100, 9" x 12 1/2", white



1500C5B NY Litigation Covers, box of 100, 9" x 15 1/2", blue



1500D2B NY Litigation Covers, box of 500, 9" x 15 1/2", blue



1500D2C NY Litigation Covers, box of 500, 9" x 12 1/2", canary



1500D2W NY Litigation Covers, box of 100, 9" x 12 1/2", white




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