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Imprinted Stock Certificates

Imprinting standard legend certificates enables us to provide fast service at low cost.

Stock Cerificates
Examples of these stock certificates are:
Stock certificates for corporations, LLC's, non-profit, LP's & LLP's
Professional corporation, LLC, LLP and association certificates.

Standard legend stock certificates are imprinted with entity name, one class capitalization, state, officers’ titles. Each certificate stub is numbered .A minimum of 20 certificates with every order. Short clauses, additional classes of shares and printing on back are available at extra cost.

Require multiple-class stock or ownership certificates?

Fair notice considerations embodied in most state corporate statutes set minimum criteria for the printing of multiple-class share certificates. In addition to essential information necessary on single-class certificates, the shares of each class of a multiple-class corporation must have specific information printed on them.

Call our stock certificate experts or call for a free circular: "How To Order Multiple-Class Certificates."

Continuous Form Stock Certificates

Call 800 221-2972. Ask for our stock certificate specialist.

Add one Standard Clause to your imprint

It is free on internet orders. Make your selection on the order blank. For custom text clauses, multiple classes, special printing, bonds, warrants, options and continuous forms, please call our certificate experts at 800 221-2972. (Does not work with Shareprinter template.)

ALL Imprinted Corporation stock certificates $50.70
XXLLC Imprinted LLC stock certificates 50.70
ALP Imprinted Limited Partnership stock certificates 50.70

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