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Blumberg New York Apartment Lease Forms

Blumberg Landlord and Tenant

Blumberg Leases for Stabilized and Unregulated Apartments

These lease forms account for recent changes and developments in the law. Each comprehensive form better protects and secures property owners’ rights and also adapts the lease to current technological changes affecting property owners. By using these forms, property owners will be better able to increase and maintain rental income as well as comply with all applicable laws.

These forms include lease provisions to facilitate the eviction of tenants who chronically pay rent late, harbor pets illegally or refuse to vacate after the termination of the lease. These leases also regulate acceptable noise levels, including musical instruments and sound producing electronic devices; prohibit or regulate smoking; and include measures to decrease the proliferation and spread of mold.

These apartment lease agreements protect owners of rent stabilized and unregulated apartments. NY leases prepared by prominent real estate attorneys Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.

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