800 529-6278
Blumberg's Attorney Time and Expense Control System
Maintain a steady cash flow by using the system’s Client File Summary Sheets of billable work in progress. During any accounting period, these sheets indicate the number of client hours to be billed. You simply multiply these hours by your standard rate. Special file jackets organize and safely store charge slips and small receipts.
The complete Attorney Time and Expense Control System includes:
- Attractive, leather-like pegboard portfolio. An aluminum writing surface gives sharp impressions.
- 24 client summary sheets
- 50 file jackets
- Instruction guide
- 250 color-coded time and expense slips with journal sheets in place. Brown area for time charges; green area for disbursement. Easy one-write system. Slips may be used for computer input.
- Color-coded time slips provide an accurate record of billable time charges and disbursements as they occur, not after the fact when potential billings may be overlooked or forgotten
Order refills of timeslips, client summary sheets, file jackets and pegboard here.