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800 529-6278

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800 529-6278

Blumberg Paper, Envelopes and Legal Pads

Preserve legal documents with archival paper made with 25-100% cotton

Legal Supplies

From security paper to imprinted pleading paper, we've got your paper needs covered. Find that imprinted legal pad that you can leave with your client. Give your report a feel of importance with cotton content paper. You'll find paper and envelopes in the sizes and colors your firm needs, from our own house brands to mill brands such as Southworth, Gilbert and Neenah.

Click on the links below to browse through pages of boxed and specialty papers. You can order easily online. If you can't find what you're looking for, talk with a Blumberg customer service representation at 800 LAW-MART (800 529-6278).

What is Watermarked Paper?

A watermark is a subtle image permanently impressed into paper during the manufacturing process. It identifies the source of the sheet and may contain, for instance, the paper mill’s trademark or the brand name of the paper. Watermarks signal high quality paper and are symbols of authenticity and distinction in business and personal correspondence.

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